Call for Abstract Submissions – 2019 | SIOPSA OLD SITE

Call for Abstract Submissions – 2019

21st  Annual SIOPSA Conference- Call for Abstracts

Embracing the Fourth Industrial Revolution- the IOPsychology Way

SIOPSA sets out to explore our voice and impact in the fourth Industrial revolution.

In this revolution, it is suggested that machines are being made to be more human-like. Cyber-physical systems, networks and the internet of things are developing rapidly. The debate seems to be around the responsible use of artificial intelligence and these technological advancements have important implications for people. Thought leaders suggest that growth in the Fourth industrial revolution will not revolve around machines, but rather human creativity, collaboration and resilience and thus propels us to re-imagine our role as IOP’s for human health and thriving societies.

For society, the ‘good’ of technology is often expressed in economic terms but as we move into the Fourth industrial revolution and the digital transformation of life, as we know it, the potential risks and benefits remains an open narrative. How should the humanitarian sectors and behavioural experts respond to the Fourth  Industrial Revolution? How does the Fourth Industrial revolution impact on the IOP’s role, mode of working and competencies?

Through collaborative research and practice within and outside the IOP profession, we invite strategic partnerships to contribute to the “4th IR -the IOP Way”. We invite contributions to this dialogue from the field of cognitive, neuro and behavioural psychology, which touches on machine learning, deep learning, neural networks, talent, organizing, vulnerability, singularity, disruptive education and learning and disruption of the ethics dialogue, to name but a few. The conference theme for 2019 includes reaching both scientific and practical experiences of participants who collaborate daily with clients, academic institutions, organisations and other industry leaders.

[Click here] for the conference theme launch and related information

Objectives of SIOPSA and the 21st Annual conference:

  • To establish the benefits of IO Psychology as a profession and SIOPSA as the leading professional society on “people matters” in the workplace.
  • To create a professional society with which all current and future IO Psychologists in our country want to be associated.
  • To facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration in the field of IO Psychology and Organisational Behaviour
  • To celebrate the contribution of IOP in business, academia and society at large
  • Dialogue and collaborate around the impact of the 4th Industrial Revolution on the future world of work from a psychological perspective.

A call is hereby extended to submit an abstract and join in on the conversation.

Competitive papers, as well as symposia, tutorials, and workshop proposals, are invited in the following areas. Related topics will also be considered.

  • Ethics_Human_Machine interface
  • Meaningful and connected life
  • Reinventing the world of work
  • Reactive…proactiveness


The participation and submission processes for the 21st Conference have been fully automated on our website

  • Your proposal must be submitted electronically for review.
  • All papers and abstracts MUST be submitted for review by 25 January 2019. No late entries will be considered.
  • For those who wish to have their papers considered for the Best Paper Award and to be included into the proceedings, full complete papers must be submitted by the closing date.
  • All submissions are processed through an abstract review committee and double-blind review. You will be notified via email of the decision regarding acceptance of your proposal when the review process is complete.
  • Questions and requests for information may be sent to

Abstract Submission and scoring guidelines: [Click Here]

Submission types and formats

The SIOPSA program has different session types. To submit a proposal, you will need to adhere to the proposal format requirements for that session type. That is, each of the session types has a specific proposal format associated with it.

Click on the relevant session type below to submit your abstract:

Case Study and/or Research abstract presentations submit here

Researchers not intended on submitting a full paper, are welcome to submit a shorter abstract to share interesting findings and learning from their work, related to the conference theme. A Case Study could also be submitted and should offer practical, specific insights related to projects where theory is applied. Case Studies are ideal for practitioners who wish to share an aspect of their expertise or experience.  However, they are not intended to be marketing opportunities. Submissions will undergo peer review. A 250-450 word abstract should be submitted but will not be included in the published conference proceedings.

Master Tutorial submit here

The primary purpose of the Master Tutorial is to develop and educate the audience about a focal I-O topic. As examples, tutorials might be developed to provide an update on a specified content area, discuss a new statistical technique, or describe how knowledge from another discipline can be applied to an I-O problem or topic. Topics that are not appropriate include descriptions of products that the presenter is marketing. A 650-1000 word abstract is to be submitted. Accepted abstracts will be included in the Abstract book but not published in the conference proceedings.

Panel Discussion submit here

In a Panel Discussion, the chairperson plays a very active role, serving as the moderator who asks questions of the panel members and ensures that all panel members (three to five people) have the opportunity to speak. Panel discussions should generate spontaneous interaction among panel members and between panel members and the audience. Diversity among panel members is important to the success of the session. Further, all panel members must recognise the need for preparation. A Panel discussion proposal should describe the questions that will be addressed by the panel, the underlying issues or themes to be discussed, and the structure or format of the session. Submissions that do not have at least three presenters with different affiliations in the session (i.e., every presenter cannot be from the same institution) will not be accepted. Panel member information must be submitted with the submission (complete this online). A 250-word abstract must be submitted by each panel member highlighting the focus of his or her contribution. A compilation of the main abstract on the panel topic including the contributing abstracts will be included in the Abstract book but not published in the conference proceedings.

Poster  submit here

Poster sessions give participants opportunities to present individual research papers and work in progress research. At each poster session, many authors simultaneously present their papers, primarily in a visual medium, with key excerpts from the papers displayed on large boards (8’ x 10’). The audience circulates among posters and stops to discuss papers of particular interest with the authors. Poster submissions will be peer-reviewed, and there will be a prize for the best poster. For developmental or work in progress posters, a roundtable will be facilitated to discuss papers with peers. A 750-1000 word abstract to be submitted. Accepted abstracts will be included in the Abstract book but not published in the conference proceedings.

Research Paper submit here

Papers submitted for research presentations must represent completed, original (i.e. has not been published or presented elsewhere) work. Submissions will be peer-reviewed. If there are more acceptable papers than slots available for oral presentation, then an offer will be made to present as a Poster. A 5000-7000 word paper should be submitted for review and accepted papers will be included in the published conference proceedings. The best paper award will be presented.

Professional Development Workshop (half day only) submit here

There are a limited number of slots available for interested persons to present a workshop. A workshop provides an opportunity for interactive 4-hour sessions in which the workshop delegates will partake actively in the learning opportunity. Experiential learning, handouts, checklist, videos or audio are encouraged as useful tools to create interaction. Abstract submission should be a 500-800 word proposal and accepted abstracts will be included in the Abstract book but not published in the conference proceedings.

Symposium  submit here

A symposium is a multi-presenter session. Any multi-presenter session proposing research, practice, theory, and teaching-oriented content should be submitted here. A symposium can also be presented by an Interest Group on a specialised/particular topic of interest. Participants in a symposium should include a chairperson and three to four presenters. A symposium often includes discussants, but it does not have to do so.   We encourage submissions in which diverse and novel perspectives are presented, including sessions in which the audience plays the role of discussant and the chair facilitates the discussion. The Track Symposium submission must be at least 500-1000 words (including contributor’s abstracts where applicable). The proposal overview should outline the contributors’ purpose, the format of the session and detail why this is likely to be of interest. Speakers will be given a session of 1hr 30m to present their symposium. The submission will be reviewed collectively but should provide an abstract (150 words) of each contributors’ role or input, together with session timings, highlighting discussion time. Accepted abstracts will be included in the Abstract book but not published in the conference proceedings.

Deadline for submission is:  Friday, 25 January 2019

Please remember to ensure that you submit your abstract in the correct format. Submissions that do not comply with the abstract guidelines will not be accepted.