Vision 1

To establish the benefits of IO psychology as a profession and SIOPSA as the leading professional society on “people matters” in the workplace.


The essence of our scope of practice maintains that IO Psychologists apply the principles of psychology to issues related to the work situation thereby optimising individual, group and organisational well-being and effectiveness. As such, we are able to address the needs of business and people simultaneously and we therefore have an invaluable contribution to make in developing business and policy at the highest level. IO psychologists are thus established as thought leaders, offering expert comment and input on people issues in the workplace. The Society poses as a custodian of expertise, and an organisation that can direct the media, government or industry towards the right answers.

Key activities

  • Communicate to key stakeholders (Government / Business / Civil Society).
  • Lobby Government and Business to achieve recognition and a place on the national agenda.
  • Establish SIOPSA as a broker of information and repository of knowledge.

Vision 2

To create a professional society with which all current and future IO Psychologists in our country want to be associated.


SIOPSA strives to offer the industry, our communities and the country what it needs from a professional association. The Society must be relevant and add value to the careers of its members, to the extent that individuals feel the urge to join and not run the risk of “being left behind”. SIOPSA actively pursues strong and deep relationships with the community where its members work, as well as with academia, all to solidify the future of the profession.

Key activities

  • Increase the membership base in sectors not traditionally active in SIOPSA, e.g. black and younger professionals.
  • Render input into the education of future IO professionals, based on the scientist / practitioner model.
  • Provide direction to educational institutions with regard to workplace- related research topics.
  • Assist future IO professionals with attaining full professional status through internships.
  • Assist future IO professionals with job opportunities.
  • Act as intermediary in facilitating mentorship opportunities for IO professionals.
  • Stimulate interest amongst students, particularly black students, to pursue a career in IO Psychology.
  • Market the Society in communities where members are under-represented, or which has not traditionally been part of the Society.

Vision 3

To establish SIOPSA as a self-regulatory body for IO psychologists in South Africa.


While SIOPSA is keenly aware of the statutory role of the HPCSA in educating the profession and protecting the public, IO Psychologists work in an environment which is unique within the broader psychology profession.  The beneficiaries of our profession are not patients, but working adults, teams and organizations. We use the science of psychology to understand and work with behaviour that makes individuals and organizations more effective.  Although part of psychology, much of what we do falls outside the ambit of clinical-medical model of ethics and practice, which applies to our colleagues in the broader-scoped psychology profession. There are a number of areas requiring specific attention. SIOPSA features as the custodian of what makes IO Psychology part of the broader psychology profession. Importantly, it positions itself as the custodian for those areas of ethics, science and practice which are unique to our profession. We should continue to inform, influence and possibly control the statutory environment that defines the legal framework for the profession.

Key activities

  • Publish and consult on the work that has been done relating to a new framework capturing ethics and scope of practice for IO psychologists.
  • Continue to work towards an understanding of the unique ethical and practice challenges in our profession.
  • Play an increasing role in influencing the HPCSA towards an understanding on our specific needs; and why and how we are both different and similar.
  • Research and engage with similar professional bodies on how they manage the balance between statutory regulation, self-regulation and best practice ‘accreditation’.
  • Investigate ways to inform, influence and control the statutory environment.

Vision 4

To run SIOPSA as an effective business with services to its members and other stakeholders.


Rather than a purely volunteer-based model, SIOPSA needs an effectively structured office and staff complement to conduct its operations in line with a business model. This will afford credibility to the organisation as a mainstream role player. It will also allow for more time to be dedicated to the pursuit of our objectives and championing the IO Psychology field, through the efforts of individuals whose daily duties are dedicated to that purpose.

Key activities

  • Activate and energise members to become actively involved in the committees and regions of the Society.
  • Set up and sufficiently staff a permanent SIOPSA office.
  • Establish SIOPSA’s online presence via the Internet and other social media platforms.
  • Investigate and implement professional services to members and stakeholders (e.g. training, mentorship programmes and information repository).
  • Provide real benefits to members in terms of access to new information, latest trends, and guidance or advice from experts.
  • Register SIOPSA as a CPD Accreditor.