2023 Applied Organisational Neuroscience Seminar | SIOPSA OLD SITE


Organisational Neuroscience is an emerging research domain that integrates management, leadership and organisational behaviour with neuroscience. Neuroscience is changing our understanding of Organisational Behaviour and provides valuable insights to organisational scholars and corporate decision-makers. These insights are changing the way we interact in the world of work, on a personal, team and even organisational level. The 2023 Applied Organisational Neuroscience seminar is composed of multiple topic sessions. This includes Teaching Talks, Business Application Case Studies, Data Blitz oral presentations, and Evidenced-based Panel discussions. The seminar promises to give you learnings that can be applied immediately at work.

Why should you attend?

Develop a better understanding of the neuroscientific lenses to enhance individual team and organisational functioning, growth and goodwill. Gain insights into applying the fast-growing body of organisational neuroscience to cultivate personal resilience, change plasticity, decision-making, and social inclusion. Develop critical thinking about neuroscientific claims to uphold objectivity and rigour applying these discoveries in the workplace. Improve the depth and effectiveness of your innovation initiatives. Learn about the social brain and the neuroscience of the networked organisation. Be the first to hear the LATEST applied organisational neuroscience research

Who should attend

CEOs; Head of Learning and Development; L&D professionals/managers; Head of Talent/Talent Managers; Organisational Psychologists; HR Directors/Managers/Professionals; Head of OD/OD Managers/OD professionals or consultants; Head of Training and Development/Trainers/Academics


Benefits to attend

  • CPDs
  • Staying abreast of industry and market changes
  • Unlock innovative solutions
  • Explore new ways of working
  • Break out of your comfort zone
  • Cost-effective and saving time Learn at your pace
  • Meet a global audience
  • Connect with potential clients



  • Full Day CPD Accredited Virtual Seminar R1500 incl Vat
  • Guests R1200 incl Vat SIOPSA, KR, COMENSA, IPM Members, affiliates