SIOPSA Presidency
SIOPSA Past and Current Presidency
The SIOPSA Presidency consists of the President, President-Elect and Past President
The Role of the President is to take accountability for the strategic leadership of the society and to coordinate with the Executive Committee the implementation of the mandate given by our members at the Annual General Meeting. Furthermore, the president should actively engage with all stakeholders of the society to ensure continuous improvement and sustainability as well as the associated availability of resources.
The Role of the President-Elect is to ensure that all communication processes are conducted with the aim of understanding the society, its members and office administration in the context of the presidency. Furthermore, the role is to support the performance of each Executive Committee through planned feedback conversations.
The Role of Past President is to ensure continuity and completion of the important strategic focus areas either taken over or started during their presidency. The past president offers ongoing guidance and knowledge transfer to the incoming president and administration office as required or alternatively planned. The Past-President is also responsible for heading external affairs for the Society. They act as an ambassador for the profession of IOP by establishing SIOPSA as the leading professional body on people matters in the workplace, establish positive, mutually beneficial relationships with key stakeholders and create sustainable partnerships with industries & business communities to forge symbiotic relationships of mutual benefit
The Role of the Elders is to act as an advisory body and to share their insights of the profession, their institutional memory and the stories that will serve to the benefit of Exco and the SIOPSA members.
President – Dr Sharon Munyaka
Dr. Sharon Munyaka is a registered HPCSA Industrial and Organisational Psychologist. A firm believer in focusing on what is right with people, Sharon works at an individual, team, and organisational level. Sharon is one of the pioneers of research in positive organisational scholarship at the Nelson Mandela University.
Sharon’s philosophy states: when I navigate my work with curiosity, compassion, and courage, it is the gift that keeps on giving. The doors of possibility will open if we allow ourselves to remain open and fully present to what we are creating together.
As a firm believer in focusing on what is right with people, Sharon works at an individual, team and organisational level to positively transform behaviour in the workplace. She is a strong facilitator and holds transformative conversations across all job levels and she utilises her broad skill base and diverse toolkit to unlock potential and to move the conversation to where it needs to get to.
President Elect – Dr Ruwayne Kock
Dr Ruwayne Kock is a registered Industrial and Organisational Psychologist who works as a practitioner and academic across industries, levels and geographies. He has an outstanding 25 year track record of delivering results across national, regional, and global multinational companies by generating innovative human capital solutions to business challenges.
He has extensive global experience in diversity, equity and inclusion, leadership development, executive coaching, organisation development, talent management, learning and development, and change management. He has experience leading culturally diverse teams across markets such as Europe, Middle East and Africa, and mobilising these teams around a common vision, aligned strategy, and practical plan to support business performance and growth.
Ruwayne also serves on the Management and Executive Committee of Society of Industrial and Organisational Psychology as Transformation Portfolio and Black Industrial and Organisational Psychology (BIOP) Caucus Chairs. He is also a board member of Dream it Believe it Live it (DBL), an educational foundation.
Past President – Prof Crystal Hoole
With more than 20 years of experience in business and professional services, Prof Crystal Hoole’s. professional interest lies within the field of human capital, positive psychology, and organisational behaviour and specifically how organisations can perform better through people. To understand how organisations operate, Crystal has chosen every employment opportunity to provide her a better understanding of the world of work, and to allow for creating value for the organisation and to empower people to excel within their environments.
Having served in various positions and leadership roles and working across various industries, Crystal has been exposed to many aspects of business, both from an operational and strategic perspective. She worked in industry on a part-time and full-time basis for over 20 years. It is however academia where her true passion lies. Her current home, the University of Johannesburg, is very close to heart, and she truly believe that it is only through education that we can face the future.
During her tenure as s president of SIOPSA 2021/22, Crystal focussed on what is needed to be done NOW, to be relevant, exciting, and to be a game-changer. I cannot do it alone and will strongly draw on our rich heritage of knowledge and experience gained in the past, on the dreams and hopes of or members, partners, and stakeholders of the future. The world of work is changing super-fast, the 4th Industrial Revolution is here and we as a profession need to be ready. Time waits for no man. The time is now – ke nako!
Crystal Hoole is a long-standing member and has served the society in Professional practice. She is also the Head of Industrial Psychology at the University of Johannesburg and the Editor in Chief of the SA Journal of Industrial Psychology.