CPD Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to some of your general questions

How can I get CPD points?
  • Free eCPD Membership with AOSIS
  • Buying eCPD credits online from AOSIS website if not a SIOPSA paid-up member
  • Regional workshops (Discount for full members)
  • SIOPSA Conference (Discount for full members)
How do I get access to eCPD?

Free eCPD points are related to SIOPSA membership. SIOPSA has an agreement with AOSIS for SIOPSA members to be able to earn eCPDs free of charge, provided their SIOPSA membership is paid. AOSIS is an open access publisher who presents high-quality scholarly publications from Africa.

This will only be active if your SIOPSA membership is active and paid up to date.

You can still earn eCPDs if you are not a paid SIOPSA member, but then you will have to buy eCPD credits on the AOSIS website (http://healthcare-ecpd.co.za/).

As soon as you become a member and paid in full, you can send an email to info@siopsa.org.za or accounts@siopsa.org.za and they will inform eCPD/AOSIS.

You then need to register on the eCPD site of AOSIS at http://healthcare-ecpd.co.za/ and then look for the SIOPSA logo under Sponsorships on the right side of the page.

If not, please contact SIOPSA at info@siopsa.org.za.

How do you get CPDs as a SIOPSA Member?
Being a SIOPSA member you get CPDs in the following ways:

  • Free eCPD Membership with AOSIS (available to all paid up members)
  • Regional workshops (Discount for full members)
  • SIOPSA Conference (Discount for full members)
Is SIOPSA a CPD accreditor and how does it work?

Yes, SIOPSA has been awarded accreditor status by the HPCSA. We are governed by HPCSA guidelines and act on their behalf to ensure quality control and accredit IOP related events. SIOPSA has a dedicated Exco member looking after the portfolio for CPD and Professional Practice. Currently, the CPD portfolio is managed by Louise Coetzee. All applications must be submitted by sending an email to cpd@siopsa.org.za.  Alternatively, you can submit your request to lmcoetzee@outlook.com.

SIOPSA will accredit CPD activities and service providers for Industrial and Organisational Psychology and Psychometric related activities.

To apply for accreditation, you need to complete and submit the following documentation:

  • Form CPD2A
  • A detailed content outline of the activity, including:
  • Topic/s and outline of the content/s
  • Venue /Date/s
  • Start and end time of each activity
  • Program outline with times
  • Attendance list to be used for the activity
  • Attendance certificate (FORM CPD3)
  • Evaluation forms to be used for the activity and completed by the audience (FORM CPD7)
  • CVs of applicants/presenters and all co-presenters as well as their professional registration numbers (EXAMPLE CV FORMAT). In this case of cross discipline applications, applicants need to indicate how the members of the psychology profession will benefit from the activities. In the case of international courses and programmes, evidence must be provided from the local accreditation/professional body, as well as the expertise of the presenters.
  • When the activity has an ethics component and you wish to apply for ethics CPD points, you must provide evidence that presenters have had ethics specific training and the ethics aspect of the programme must be clearly indicated and emphasised, and be within the profession of Industrial Psychology.

SIOPSA will then evaluate the application and if all criteria are met, award the appropriate amount of CEU’s. A CEU (continuous educational Unit) is the amount of real time spent learning on an activity. For each 1 hour learning, 1 CPD point is awarded.

Important things to remember:

  • The HPCSA requires each registered psychologist to acquire 60 CEUs over a two year period, of which 5 must be on ethics.
  • No retrospective approvals will be made, in other words, approval for CPD activities must be done prior to the commencement of the activities.
  • Once an event has taken place, the provider must submit the attendance registers and event evaluations forms to the SIOPSA office.
  • For ease of use, you can access all relevant guidelines and forms on the SIOPSA website under the CPD banner.
How do I get my CPD certificate after attending a conference or workshop?

After an event, your CPD certificate will be uploaded under your profile.

You can access it under the “My Account” section, under “Certificates”.

There you can view, print or mail it.

If you have attended an event and the certificate is not there, please send your query to info@siopsa.org.za.