Views on the emerging role of the Industrial and Organisational Psychologist during the COVID-19 epidemic

On the 11th of March 2020 the World Health Organisation officially declared the spread of Coronavirus a ‘Pandemic’. Apart from the rate of infection reported in South Africa between the 5th and 11th of March 2020, and the preceding health and economic disasters South Africans witnessed within the global community, this may have been the very sentence that enabled our government to activate the Disaster Management Act No 57 of 2002 (

Part One: Organisational Development for the 4th Industrial Revolution

Forward-looking companies are turning to what is known as Zero Based Organisation design or Adaptable Organisational Structures. This approach to organisational development and design focuses on driving profitability through emphasizing agility over bureaucracy and shifting to a future focused mindset. It gives organisations the mandate to design the most efficient and appropriate organisation from scratch.