Meet the President-Elect Candidates 2021/22 | SIOPSA OLD SITE



Dr Sharon Munyaka

Sharon Munyaka is an Organisational Psychologist working across South Africa.  As a firm believer in focusing on what is right with people, Sharon works at an individual, team and organisational level to positively transform behaviour in the workplace.  She is a strong facilitator and holds transformative conversations across all job levels and she utilises her broad skill base and diverse toolkit to unlock potential and to move the conversation to where it needs to get to.

Read more about Sharon here

Dr Ruwayne Kock

Ruwayne Kock is a global people management specialist, with an outstanding 25 year track record of delivering results across national, regional, and global multinational companies by generating innovative human capital solutions to business challenges. He has extensive global experience in learning and development, talent management, leadership development, executive coaching, organisation development and change management. He has experience leading culturally diverse teams across markets such as Europe, Middle East and Africa, and mobilising these teams around a common vision, aligned strategy, and practical plan to support business performance and growth.

Read more about Ruwayne here