Winter Solstice Social Dreaming Matrix: From Thanatos to Eros 21 June 2023 | SIOPSA OLD SITE

Winter Solstice Social Dreaming Matrix: From Thanatos to Eros 21 June 2023


Learn about and strengthening your consulting and coaching competence in working with the collective unconscious in groups, using the Systems Psychodynamic approach. Participants are afforded an opportunity to learn about the collective and associative unconscious in an experiential setting comprising a community of dreamers. This includes to learn about dreams and free-associations as way to access the unconscious, and to use these in sense making.

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Interest Group in Systems Psychodynamics of Organisations

Winter Solstice Social Dreaming Matrix: From Thanatos to Eros

2 CPDS PSB002/ASP/003/2023/41

The SIOPSA Interest Group in Systems Psychodynamics of Organisations (IGSPO) invites you to attend this workshop as an opportunity to learn about and strengthening your consulting and coaching competence in working with the collective unconscious in groups, using the Systems Psychodynamic approach. This includes earning CPD points. For more information, visit the SIOPSA webpage at

Systems Psychodynamics (SP). As a consultancy and coaching stance, SP studies, explores and addresses conscious / rational and unconscious / irrational organisational behaviour (in the ice-berg metaphor) as it manifests on the micro, meso and macro levels of organisational functioning. This includes the content, process and dynamic behaviours related to task, role formation, boundary management, leadership, authority and identity forming. It is believed that the manifestation of the observable and rational systemic behaviour above the surface is influenced from below the surface of consciousness by individual and collective anxiety, and the defensive structures used to deal with the complexity and irrationality of organisational systems.

Who should attend? This workshop is designed for practitioners in Industrial and Organisational Psychology, Organisational Development and Human Resources Management and Development, interested in understanding the role of the unconscious in the group.

Online dreaming session. Participants share their overnight dreams and associate freely to the dreams offered in the matrix in order to find links, make connections and reveal new meaning and understanding of the social context moving from darkness to light. In Latin, solstice is made of two words: sol– meaning “the sun” and sister meaning “to make stand”. The longest night of the year, as container of our collective dreamtime, marks the boundary at which the sun begins its ancient cycle from Thanatos (the death drive) of Winter back towards the Eros (the life drive) of Summer. The social dreaming matrix creates an opportunity to explore the collective unconscious in our shared dreamtime in this shared social and natural cycle. An artist will be present to capture the dream images as they form.

Design of the workshop.  Based on Paddy Daniel and Gordan Lawrence’s Social Dreaming Matrix, and within the Systems Psychodynamic Consultancy Tavistock Approach, the workshop is designed as a matrix in both form and process to create a container for discovery of the hidden meaning in the dreams. It contains a large experiential group and a processing event. The context of social dreaming matrix has its emphasis on democratic power, free association, non-judgment. The focus is on the dreams and not the dreamer and in the spirit of curiosity & enquiry.

What participants can expect to learn. Participants are afforded an opportunity to learn about the collective and associative unconscious in an experiential setting comprising a community of dreamers. This includes to learn about dreams and free-associations as way to access the unconscious, and to use these in sense making.

Workshop facilitators:

Workshop Host: Calum McComb, holds a master’s degree in industrial and organisational psychology and is currently working towards a PhD in consulting psychology. He is a certified Analytic-Network Coach and has consulted extensively to individuals, groups and at the organisation levels from a systems psychodynamic stance.

Workshop Co-Hosts: Prof Michelle May, is a professor at the department of Industrial and Organisational Psychology at the University of South Africa (UNISA). She is the manager of the Consulting Psychology Doctoral Programme (IOP, UNISA). She is the co-ordinator of the research focus areas Systems psychodynamics and Socio–analytic Methods (IOP, UNISA). She has supervised several students in primarily qualitative research projects to successful completion of their masters’ and doctoral degrees.   She has done research ethics training within the past three years – including the Training and resources in research ethics evaluation (TRREE) Modules 1, 2 and 3 during 2019.


14:30 – 14:35 pm: Introduction and welcome

14:35 – 15:35 pm: Social dreaming matrix session

15:35 – 15:55 pm: Comfort break

15:55 – 16:55 pm: Group processing with the artist

16:55 – 17:00 pm: Closing reflections


Non-SIOPSA members R420 incl vat

SIOPSA members R270 incl vat

Emerging Psychologists R200 incl vat

Student members R170 incl vat

Event registration

  • All participants will be required to formally register for this event on the on-line platform (Zoom)
  • SIOPSA marketing and events will invite participants via email with zoom registration information
  • A post event on-line evaluation form will be completed by all participants

Event Details

Start date: Jun 21, 2023

End date: Jun 21, 2023

Start time: 14:30

End time: 17:00

Venue: Virtual zoom session

Phone: 0860 SIOPSA (746772)
