When you sponsor a student, you bring HOPE within reach !
SIOPSA, being a member based, non-profit, voluntary and professional organisation, strives to, on a continuous basis, to make a significant impact on the lives of the emerging IO psychology community, IOP professionals and psychologists at large, academia, the broader South African community and industry. SIOPSA invites all to support our efforts to encourage the existence of a fair and humane work situation in South Africa that enables all to have an equal opportunity of access, perform to their ability and experience a high quality of life.
This is a call to action – WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT
The SIOPSA Foundation aim to leave a legacy and have a voice to create an inclusive and abundance mindset. One of the ways we drive this is through encouraging our members to plough back toward our emerging IOPs through sharing their knowledge, skills and providing them with opportunity. You are hereby kindly requested to join hands with the Foundation Portfolio by sponsoring the membership fee of an emerging Psychologists during 2021.
If you are keen and able to make a contribution, please reach out by sending an email to Jan-Hendrik Barnard at SIOPSA Accounts on accounts@siopa.org.za. You are also welcome to make a contribution by making a deposit into the SIOPSA bank account using the details below :
Name of account : Society for Industrial and Organisational Psychology in SA
Account number : 021 590 346
Account type : Business Current Account
Branch Code : 051001
Reference : Donation for Membership
For queries kindly contact:
Kim-Lee Wentzel-Ricketts
Cell : 0842890194
Email : kimleewentzel@gmail.com
The Society for Industrial and Organisational Psychology of SA
Regus Ground Floor Southdowns Ridge Office Park, Cnr John Vorster & Nelmapius Drive, Irene, Centurion, 0149|
P O Box 577, Fontainebleau, 2032 South Africa
Website: www.siopsa.org.za